Monday, November 9, 2015

The Temple is Looking Good!

It's been way too long since the last post to this blog. We have been using Facebook as a place to post pictures so that's where the progress reports are.

There has been a work party every couple of months since the beginning of the project. The Temple of Life is actually being used now. Although it is still under construction, it is completed enough for groups to enjoy.
Activities have included healing ceremonies, full-moon ceremonies, musical performances, meditation groups, a chill space during larger events at Gateway Ranch, and as a place for reflection and uplifting thought.

We just had the last work party of 2015 this weekend (November 7-8, 2015).
Here is a link to an album of photos from this work party:

To keep up with Temple of Life progress and get involved in future work parties, here is where the communication happens:

There is a second page, which is an FB group, where info is also posted. Two of the people involved in the Temple project created FB pages and they both attracted followers so we keep both pages. It's a little confusing but seems to work anyway. Here's the link to the Temple of Life group page:

It has come together so marvelously, so far. Thanks so much to all of the many dozens of people who have put in hours and even days into this project. We hope that it will continue to inspire and serve for many years to come.

There are still a ton of art opportunities. Lots of spaces, large and small, are available for people inspired to contribute a piece or two to this community project. That's what the Temple of Life is really about - community.